Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Digital Portrait

I know viewers might get bored for seeing many times of showing digital portrait. But I have to show it, because its my first time do digital portrait! haha.. you gotta give me a chance to show off LOLZ.. kidding.

Anyway, the reason why I do this is because I remember I said the aim is to learn from each other of the skill that each member good at. Thus, its my time to learn to try do digital portrait from Takeshi's influence and inspirations. Therefore, here is it. I know I didn't follow exactly, fully the whole image of the original photo, especially the hair and clothes as I not that good and i also prefer to manipulate them a little since I am not strong as in copying skill/photocopy skill.
Comments and critiques are greatly welcome and appreciated. Thank you.


  1. yeah!
    it is nice
    I like the color stroke (expression) style
    proportion still hav a bit mistake
    the eye should be moved more slightly to right
    the ear is too big
    n the mouth should be moved slightly to left
    sori if my comment is too straight

  2. Nvm really! I can accept ur comments when the errors you mentioned are true, I also forgot to use ratio guidelines to draw the portrait that time, LOLZ, coz too long i din draw portrait, thanks for reminding me
