because i think since young i always got many different kinds of dreams of becoming some kind of artist, anything that related to art...u can say i am greedy..
i am mad at that time.. and still now but now i struggle between health and my passion to chase my dream madly...and how will i go on from here.. just have to wait n see..

few sketches of my ideas, i wanna show that i used my heart and soul to reach my goal and i am prepared with all the art tools and anything i need for art inspirations.
another concept/idea is i am here in this department is to find the golden key to unlock the door to reach my goal and bring me to higher stage or top of this industry
the rocket made by art tools like pencils, marker etc... idea is to try using art tools to express my dream, is like i exist in this department coz wanna become rocket on the way to catch my dream...
the last one with an owl but with elephant legs idea, i try to use animal other than just art tools to visualize my statement.. the owl represents i am observant,
the elephant legs represent i am stable and i will use the stable way to reach my goal,
wings, means i wanna fly higher, i wanna improve, and reach closer to my goal
the snail shell, represent home means i wanna live with a mobile home as i can travel around to search for my goal, my art knowledge...
monkey tail = backup..means i am always will prepare for the worse monkey they swing around with not only hands and legs sometimes... when they fall, their tail is the last hope to hold them up.

i choose snake because its my chinese zodiac.. with different kinds of wings to show that i gain experiences as time goes by, and experiences bring me fly higher

after consultation, my lecturer said he like the owl concept, but its too organic and suggested me to add mechanical, or machine i added a mechanical/robot hand.. to express my idea more obviously, with that hand trying to hold the start(dream),
the right one is a hermit crab, i choose that, coz it got many legs, means can do things very fast or will be very clumsy coz many legs, very hard to walk.. which i think that's my personality, i eager to success my dream early always.. and the shell represent home, i wish to have a mobile home, so i can travel everywhere easily actually.. and the picture actually is showing he walking on rocks slowly to the sky with blue clouds.. means he walking to his dream...
bcoz i got limited markers to colour the tone.. n also i seldom use marker to colour.. so not very good in it yet.. my lecturer said must use markers, i only bought to use, and its very expensive
the sky idea was inspired by a photo i took>>
Great work! I belive you sure can get to the place you desire.